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To enhance quality of life by building community through the performing, visual, literary and culinary arts.

History of Salon

Since 1991, The Monthly Salon has hosted 360 events. Boris Goldmund began the Salon in San Francisco as an informal gathering of artists with a potluck of both artistry and food. It has since grown to a regular monthly safe place for artists to present both works in progress as well as finished works ready for public performance, exhibition or publication. 

The Monthly Salon extended its reach to Berlin, Germany in 2017 with plans to begin in Bangalore, India in 2019, followed by Beijing and then Brazil. 



The Monthly Salon features artists from the world of music, dance, film, and literature in an intimate setting. Click here to learn about our next salon. 

© 2019  A production of  Boris Goldmund Creative, Inc. in association with the Eyes and Ears FoundationSan Francisco, CA

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